Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Happy Birthday Bon Jovi!!!!!!

Happy Birthday, Bon Jovi - 7 Reasons Why We Love The Jov Post by: Eddie Ruckus & Dave-O 2 March, 2010 - 8:33 AM

bon jovi
(Photo: Getty Images)
Cripes! Bon Jovi formed on this day in 1983. Unbelievable, right?
To celebrate the New Jersey rockers' birthday, we decided to take a moment to list the top seven that we will always love Jon Bon Jovi and the Jov.
1. That hair
Throughout their career, Bon Jovi has proudly flaunted some of the best/worst hair the world of rock has ever, ever seen, and yet somehow they've managed to survive it. From the lion mane of singer Jon Bon Jovi in the 1980s through to the recent rumours of his possible impending baldness, that hair has only enhanced rather than diminished the potency of the Jov.
2. That name
Very early on, JBJ had the good sense to change the spelling of his name. Like, seriously, would many of us have ever worn t-shirts saying “Bongiovi”?
3. Charity
In 2006, singer JBJ founded the Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation, a charity that tackles homelessness across the US.
4. Looking good
While guitarist Richie has made the odd slip-up, they are arguably the least f***ed up rock band of their generation. Just look at the other stars of the hair-band era – any member of, say, Motley Crue, Poison or the Gunners.
5. They care about the fans
Some bands are really precious about their time, not the Jov. We still love them for letting us bring our cameras backstage on their last tour to give the fans an insight into how they work.  backstage. Watch the video above.
6. Jon Bon Jovi can act
He’s had a sideline in movies and TV, but never let that affect his real art - the music.
7. Well, obviously, THE MUSIC!!!
You’ve got to hold on to what you’ve got…
Happy birthday, Bon Jovi. Thank you for the music!!!!
Your turn – why do you love Bon Jovi?

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