Saturday, December 3, 2011


It's a slow day for Bon Jovi news when all I could find new was a Vogue piece on Jon Bon Jovi clothing style. Did not like the article or their suggestions so not going to post it. Instead you get to read my rambles.

I read a blog that was asking What does Bon Jovi (music) mean to you? A lot of the responses were on how their music talked to them or helped them through some tough time or was their prom song (Never Say Goodbye) Or their Wedding song (All About Loving You) or so on.

For me it is (was) a Richie Sambora piece The Answer. Helped me through a really rough bump in the road When I was diagnosed with MS and then again some 2 years later when another bump in the road hit me hard (mother dying) and finally over an breakup (Why do we cry over that? He moved to Madrid did not die....) but anyway I am going off track. I played that song over and over again crying and crying could not hear the song with out crying. It helped. Helped put things into perspective helped get through the pain (a few pains) (No not PITAS) just pain..... Yiesh!!!!

Helped remind me that their are guides to help us pass. (I Forget now and again I have a couple of Guardian Angels who help me.) Helped me know that things are going to be ok over the break up or the MS or what ever.... So Yes I fully agree that Bon Jovi/ Richie Sambora Music does mean something to each of their fans. I dont remember the quote exactly but I think you will recall it.... Their music helps weave the fabric of our lives. Now I was paraphrasing their quote but I know that the idea will come across and the true quote will be remembered.

Well by now I am sure you are hoping for a good news day tomorrow from the boys from Jersey so you do not have to read this kind of thing again.... hahaha

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